Stars have panic attacks in front of the audience and the camera


They learn to overcome attacks with the help of a psychotherapist

Some suffer from children

They hide from others, they don’t leave the house

On the screen and on the theater stage, they look calm, confident, in control, get into the role and follow the director’s instructions precisely. In one word – professionals! In life, however, many of the stars admit that they experience panic attacks when they are about to shoot a new film or go out in front of a theater audience. They get palpitations, shake, feel like they can’t catch their breath, forget their lines, totally block out. In such cases, they especially need the help of the team to overcome the anxiety attack.

Others become numb when traveling on a plane or when they have to leave the house, so they severely limit their touring and social connections, which in turn affects their careers. There are celebrities who suffer from panic attacks as children, others have developed this mental disorder through tragic experiences in their personal lives. Whatever the reason, it’s clear that the stars are not as untouchable as they seem from afar.

Emma Stone worries about the iron and the roof

Emma Stone faced anxiety attacks at the age of 10.

Emma Stone admitted in an interview with the American publication The Wall Street Journal that she first faced anxiety attacks at the age of 10. “I went to visit a friend, sat on the couch, and then I just couldn’t get up: it seemed to me that the house was on fire. Sobbing, I called my mother and asked her to pick me up urgently,” Emma says. Since then, the panic started to rise day after day. In order to somehow alleviate her condition and not fear for her life, Stone is forced to ask her mother every hour if everything is okay: if the cables are not burnt, if the iron is turned off and if the roof is not leaking.

“I just had to know if there was any danger to life. When I received a negative answer, I calmed down for a while, but then everything started all over again,” says the celebrity. She had to be treated by a psychotherapist for several years to completely get rid of the problem.

Prince Harry hates being in a crowd

Prince Harry suffered a panic attack after his mother’s death.

Prince Harry suffered from panic attacks after his mother’s death. The boy was only 12 years old when Princess Diana rested, and he could not cope with such stress alone. Since then, every time the prince is in a crowd, he has panic attacks. “I thought, ‘Lord, get me out of here quick!'” Imagine: I’m standing in a jacket, a tie and sweat on my forehead…

The realization that everyone was looking at me only made the situation worse,” he once told journalists. The prince was able to come to terms with the loss of his mother only after serving in Afghanistan, where the panic attacks only intensified. Harry only dealt with the problem a few years ago after seeing a psychotherapist.

Lady Diana felt nauseous and chilled


Lady Di’s anic attacks subsided after her divorce from Charles, but did not leave her for the rest of her life.

Princess Diana suffered from depression, bulimia and panic attacks for many years. After her death, one of the bodyguards told reporters that during her first trip as Charles’s wife, she cried non-stop and said she felt nauseous and chilled. Then no one could think that this is not a banal fear of meeting dignitaries from another country, but a real illness.

Later, panic attacks began to occur regularly, and doctors concluded that persistent depression, combined with an eating disorder, was the reason for the increase in anxiety attacks. According to those close to the princess, until the end of her life, she never managed to get rid of panic attacks, which, although they began to appear less often after her divorce from Charles, did not allow her to live peacefully.

Amanda Seyfried stops leaving her house


Pregnancy helps Amanda Seyfried not worry about stupid things.

Amanda Seyfried’s troubles begin after she “wakes up famous.” According to the actress, she was so afraid of doing something wrong in front of the audience that she had a nervous breakdown. “I started to worry about all sorts of little things: not only about myself, but also about my parents and my dog. I was like a snowball: at first I was afraid of saying something wrong, then of dressing wrong. I started to think too much, to analyze my actions – says Amanda. “Then I was afraid to open the windows because I thought I might fall, and then I stopped leaving the house at all.”

Seyfried turns to a therapist only when her fear of leaving her apartment begins to be accompanied by nausea and vertigo. During her pregnancy, the actress admits that expecting a child is a powerful stimulus for recovery: “I know that I will worry a lot about the baby, so now I am making every effort to learn to relax and not worry about all kinds of nonsense. “

Jennifer Lawrence wanted to hide in the corner


Jennifer Lawrence panicked even as a schoolgirl.

It’s hard to believe, but the cheerful Jennifer Lawrence is not spared from the problem either. In early childhood, the actress suffered from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and anxiety appeared when she started school. “Panic attacks started out of nowhere: whether I was going to the board, or talking to friends during recess,” says Jennifer. “There was always one scenario: my heart would start beating like crazy, my temples would shrink, and I was ready to hide in the corner as long as no one touched me.”

Lawrence says her condition has improved a lot since starting her acting career, but she admits she still struggles with the irrational fear that grips her from time to time.

Adele threw up on stage

Hearing how masterfully Adele controls her voice, it’s hard to guess that almost every time before going on stage, the singer panics. In an interview with Q magazine, the celebrity says that behind the feigned casualness is the fear of doing – and singing – something wrong. “My heart almost breaks when I stand in front of a multi-thousand hall – admits the celebrity. “One day it got so scary that I started throwing up right on stage and had to stop my performance for a while.”

After the singer met Beyoncé at the Grammy Awards in 2017, the panic attacks began to appear less and less: “Bea said I look just amazing! She also admitted that when she listens to my songs, she feels as if she is hearing God. Well, isn’t that happiness?!”

Johnny Depp is paranoid


Since early childhood, Johnny Depp has been anxious for any, even minor, reasons.

Doctors do not get tired of repeating that each person is individual: some manage to recover from panic disorder in a few years, and others spend their whole lives with it. Johnny Depp is among the latter. “I hate my fame and I’m generally a sociophobe. Paranoid, if you like – the actor is frank. “Since my childhood, I have constantly felt anxiety for all kinds of reasons, even the most insignificant.”

According to Johnny, his choice of roles is often determined precisely by the desire to hide his essence from the audience. “Take Captain Jack Sparrow: he’s always happy and good, even in the worst moments,” says Depp. – But for me it’s the opposite: I’m tired of the constant panic attacks that have accompanied me since childhood.

Scarlett Johansson freaks out before a shoot


Scarlett Johansson is afraid of being photographed.

It turns out that Scarlett Johansson, that sexy blonde, is scared to death… of being filmed. The panic that begins in her before photos is accompanied by chills, dizziness and a feeling of shortness of breath. “I’m not even afraid of looking ugly in a shot. Not at all, I am 100 percent confident in my appearance – says the actress. “The nature of this fear is not clear even to me.”

As Scarlett admits, the first time she had a panic attack, the entire film crew calmed her down. “It was so funny: the cameraman and the assistant were trying to entertain me with conversation, the director went to get a glass of water, and the make-up artist was running around looking for a fan so I wouldn’t be so hot. A real adventure: you can even make a movie,” jokes the actress.

Ellie Goulding thought she was dying

“I was traveling to the funeral of a family friend when suddenly my heart started beating so hard that it was ready to jump out of my chest – says Ellie Goulding in an interview with the American magazine Cosmopolitan – I was so scared that I started screaming, crying and to cry that I’m dying It was the most horrible moment of my life.”

They immediately took the singer to the hospital, where doctors said that it was just a panic attack. “I’ve lived with it ever since. Sometimes the attacks are so strong that I can’t bring myself to get in the car and go to the supermarket,” Golding, who has had to deal with this problem with a psychotherapist for several years, told reporters.

Megan Fox chills out with Britney Spears songs

Megan Fox is helped to cope with panic attacks by … the work of Britney Spears. “I’m terribly afraid of flying, and it’s not ordinary aerophobia. “I start to feel sick, my head spins and it becomes so difficult to breathe that every time I feel like I’m going to die,” says the actress.

Fox finds a very unusual way to deal with anxiety. “I know I’m not destined to die listening to Britney,” Meghan told reporters, laughing. “So I turn on her songs, put on my headphones, and towards the end of the flight I gradually calm down.”

Oprah Winfrey attributed the attacks to overwork


Oprah Winfrey’s tragic childhood is the cause of her panic disorder in adulthood.

Oprah Winfrey’s tragic childhood (sexual abuse, stillbirth at the age of 14, conflicts with parents) is, according to her, the cause of panic disorder in adulthood. Like many who face this problem, the media personality at first does not understand that it is a disease.

“I attributed the frequent attacks of palpitations, sweating and panic to my overwork: of course, I work almost around the clock,” Oprah wrote on her own website. – Only after one day I had to call an ambulance, I realized that I was sick. I’m seeing a therapist and taking pills, so the panic attacks are happening less and less.’

The article is in bulgaria

Tags: Stars panic attacks front audience camera


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