Norrkoping – Elfsborg (prediction and live score) 25.04.2024


Norrkoping is hosted by Elfsborg in a match of the 5th round of the Allsvenskan League. The match will be played on Thursday. April 25, at 20:00 with the visitors being favorites to win.

Both teams won 4 points each in their first 4 games of the new season in the Swedish championship. Norrkoping is further back in the standings due to a worse goal difference. The hosts are 14th before the start of the fifth round, while their opponents are in 11th position. In their last match, Norrkoping drew 1:1 away to IFK Gothenburg, before that they won 1:0 at home against GAIS. This is how the team responded to successive losses at the start of the season against Mälby (0:3) and Malmö (1:5).

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The Elfsborg team started the campaign well and took four points in the matches with Vernam (2:2) and Västerös (1:0), but two defeats followed, against Kalmar (1:2) and Elfsborg (0:3). The loss to Kalmar in the last round was very surprising as Elfsborg went in as favorites to win at home. Now the “yellow and black” will want to react and I think they will score in the visit of Norrkoping. The hosts are also likely to score in front of their fans and I’m betting on both goals.

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Tags: Norrkoping Elfsborg prediction live score #25.04.2024


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