Tarot card for each zodiac sign for April 26, 2024


Here’s what your deck card is for Friday, April 26, 2024.

Aries – Queen of Wands

Leadership is a big responsibility and sometimes it’s scary. You may have too much going on today to step into that role. Leaders don’t always have to be hands-on, they can help others demonstrate their own leadership skills to shine.

Taurus – Four of Swords reversed

Take care of yourselves. Self-care is a daily task. You have to focus on it every day. Do the smaller things that don’t take much time, but don’t skip meals, rest and drink water every day.

See also: Here are the 3 zodiac signs with the strongest character

Gemini – Four of Wands reversed

You are a person who needs others and they need you. When you spend too much time alone, your life may not feel very fulfilling. Do things you like and invite a good friend.

Cancer – Knight of Swords

Problems can be solved in one of two ways: confrontation or flight. This Tarot card shows that the best way is to deal directly with the problematic situation.

Leo – Eight of Wands

Life moves pretty fast. It will be a busy day and you will feel like you have to jump from one appointment to another. Try to control the noise of your mind and stay centered.

Virgo – The Devil, reversed

A habit has caught you in a snare and now you are ready to break away from what has been holding you back from complete happiness. Don’t let your mind trick you into thinking you’ll go back to it again. This is pure relaxation and you should take it to the fullest.

Libra – Strength reversed

Test life and see how things work out in your favor. Even when you worry about losing something you want, watch everything fall into place, giving you the best of everything you need.

See also: How each zodiac sign deals with failure

Scorpio – Ace of Swords

Keep calm and state your arguments. The facts speak for themselves, and if someone has chosen not to believe you or them, it’s not your job to prove yourself. Spend your energy where it is needed.

Sagittarius – Six of Pentacles, reversed

Find the right balance between give and take. Know what makes sense and what impact you want to make based on your generosity.

Capricorn – Three of Pentacles, reversed

Consider a course to help you gain the skills you want to enter a new career field. If you already have a degree but can’t find your place, this tarot card suggests a short training or internship.

Aquarius – Nine of Pentacles, reversed

Take back control of your time, schedule and life. Listen to your heart and follow it.

Pisces – The Star

You were born to be a spiritual being. Even if you’re not a member of a religious practice or group, it’s good to be in touch with your higher power. Connect with nature. Read a book.

The article is in bulgaria

Tags: Tarot card zodiac sign April


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