Travel to Paris and rest in Velingrad

Travel to Paris and rest in Velingrad
Travel to Paris and rest in Velingrad

22 April 2024Monday, 11:00 a.m.


What the offers in the travel companies show

It’s less than two weeks until the Easter holidays, and with them the series of several days off. In this regard, we have compared the holiday offers that are available in accommodation in our country, as well as those abroad in the period from May 1 to 6. May 2 is a working day, but a large number of students go on vacation, and thus the total number of days off is six.

On this occasion, many people decide to condense their time with a vacation. The prices of the offers vary according to the number of days we want to stay, as well as the extras we want the place to have.

It is a common practice in our country to increase the prices of overnight stays and packages on holidays that coincide with the Easter holidays.

Our check found that available villas and houses for rent in the period from May 1 to 6 near Plovdiv are still available, but they are almost without any extras.

The cheapest option we come across on the offer sites is four nights in Pamporovo, with accommodation in a double standard room for about BGN 400 per person with breakfast included.

For another year, the prices in Velingrad are one of the highest. One of the most affordable offers is provided by a five-star hotel, which includes breakfast and dinner in its offer for two nights, and the amount we have to prepare is nearly BGN 800.

Four nights in a double room on the Black Sea, including breakfast and dinner, costs between BGN 700 and up to BGN 1,000, depending on the base where we stay. Two nights with dinner and breakfast in Elenite in a three-star hotel for two will cost you about 200 BGN.

It is noteworthy that many of the offers abroad are many times cheaper. An overseas promotion site is offering to rent a room in Paris, France from May 1 to 4, located near the Eiffel Tower for €425 including airfare.

Six nights in Rome, Italy with included breakfasts, plus air transport are offered for a total of BGN 1,020 per person.

Prices for four nights in Brussels, Milan and Geneva with breakfast, plus air transport vary around 400 euros.

Tags: Travel Paris rest Velingrad


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